November 5th, 2016 Posted by Uncategorized

If you react with subtle panic at the impending end to Daylight Savings, you are not alone. With the exception of the twenty-something who is thrilled to have an extra hour at the bar, the rest of us are left with the dread of 4:30 pm sunsets and children who seemingly find a way to make parenting even more difficult than it already is.

This year instead of protesting the inevitable, we would like to offer you a list of ways to put that extra hour to use.

  • Go online and pick up a new pair of Crocs.
  • Prepare and eat your favorite fake meat.
  • Take the time to doodle in your favorite font.
  • Heck, create a font and contemplate early retirement.
  • Turn all your Facebook notifications on so you never miss anything. Ever. Again.
  • Choose the longest lines today. Hey, it’s a free hour.
  • Watch as many YouTube videos as possible, just for the commercials.
  • Update all your passwords to at least eight characters include symbols, numbers, and lowercase and uppercase characters.
  • Grind your own coffee beans by hand.
  • Write a thank-you note to Theo Epstein.